Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mediations on "The Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross" - Sixth Word

      "When Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished."  Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."

John 19:30


     The cup has been drained.  The work is done.

     It is finished!

     The finality of this moment is both painful and powerful.  The struggles of the cross have reached their apex.  Suffering is swallowed up in the cold dark silence of death.  It is finished.

      The work Jesus set out to do is now complete.  All has been accomplished.  No stone has been left unturned.  He remained faithful to the very end, even in the face of incredible odds and constant challenges.  It is finished!

      This is one of those paradoxical moments that can bring us to tears, while summoning us to stand up straight with a defiant and resolute spirit.  This is not merely an occasion to weep, but a call to work.   Jesus ran his course.  He completed his work. 

      Even though we reflect on these moments on the cross for Jesus, we know that Sunday's coming!  But even with the blessed truth of resurrection echoing in our mind, this last moment of life on the cross, this word of successful completion reminds us that Jesus has passed on the mantel of his Father's Kingdom to us.

    Of course, Jesus makes it clear in John's Gospel that we don't labor alone - he has not left us orphaned, reminding us that
             "the Advocate, the Holy Spirit., whom the Father will send in my name,
              will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you." (John 14:26)

     I've had the honor of standing by the bedside of a number of people when they took their last breath.  With the aid of pain-reducing medicine in our day and time, that moment often comes in the midst of a deep sleep.  On occasions there is sufficient consciousness for words, but in my experience, more often than not, the time for speaking has passed some time before death comes.

    Of course, watching someone die on television or the silver screen is often much more dramatic, as the soon-to-be deceased will often speak important words that are critical to the story just before the last breath is drawn.

     Hollywood doesn't have anything on the Gospel of John.  As the darkness of death gradually enfolds Jesus, he makes provisions for the care of his mother Mary, he speaks to his human thirst, and after receiving some wine, he offers these simple words of both resignation and resolve.

     "It is finished."  These are confidant and courageous words of One who has been faithful to his identity and destiny, One who is in control at this tender moment of his life, just as he has been throughout his life, witness and ministry to this point.

     "It is finished."   The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, God's only begotten Son who came to bring salvation rather than condemnation, has done the work he was sent to do.

     "It is finished."  It is done!  It is complete! 

      God's redemptive work has been accomplished in Jesus Christ!

      May God give us grace to live like it!


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